Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?

Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? We get our whole team together and have a sales meeting once every month. Each month’s meeting follows the same agenda, which is filled with typical things like; figures from the previous month, top customer list, build-on-successes from previous month (i.e. what went well that we can replicate)…

How Does a Septic Tank Work?

How Does a Septic Tank Work? Septic tanks offer a fantastic solution for households that have poor drainage or who are not connected to the local sewer network. They ensure that household wastewater is disposed of safely and efficiently, without being harmful to the local environment. Here we explain what a septic tank is, how…

Learning to love losing

Learning to love losing Is it possible to perform at your best, every single day? To always be your most efficient, productive self, always at the top of your game? I know I don’t. Not every day. Don’t get me wrong; I try to as often as I can, but we all have bad days,…

Optimization of a Sand Casting with FLOW-3D CAST

Optimization of a Sand Casting with FLOW-3D CAST Optimization of a Sand Casting with FLOW-3D CAST This blog was contributed by Malte Leonhard, Flow Science Deutschland. The goal of a casting simulation is to predict casting defects and find the corrective measures to avoid such defects. To achieve this, the casting simulation must accurately predict…

Speakers Announced

Speakers Announced Registration Keynote Training Speakers Announced! Social Events Conference Info Menu Registration Keynote Training Speakers Announced! Social Events Conference Info Speakers Announced! We are very pleased to announce the speakers for the FLOW-3D World Users Conference 2022! Users in industry and academia will present their work in metal casting, additive manufacturing, civil and environmental…

What are the typical problems with a soakaway tank

What are the typical problems with a soakaway tank No matter how big or small your soakaway tank, at some point you will experience an issue that requires it to undergo maintenance or repairs. There are several factors that can lead to the failure of a soakaway tank, including things like soil quality, maintenance, and…

Groundwater Explained – World Water Day

Groundwater Explained – World Water Day March 22, 2022, will be World Water Day and it serves as a key reminder of the importance of freshwater. Around 2.2 billion people in the world live without access to safe water, and the fight is ongoing to ensure that as per the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6,…

Why is water so important?

Why is water so important? Even though we all know we need water to survive, there are still lots of people who either do not drink it or find it difficult to include it in their daily diet. 60% of the human body is water, which includes our brains, hearts, lungs, skin, muscles and bones,…